I am slightly mad at Bungie. Why? Well I was playing Halo 3 a few weeks ago, before school, and I went into the infamous Black Screen, the standard pregame loading words came up "Starting Game" and "preloading". I knew at this point that someone, probably the host, was Stand-bying.
I have no problem with this. I don't enjoy it, but there is no problem with me when someone stand-bys my connection to their network. The problem comes when someone does that and my network begins idling. Idling is not good for my network at home, considering that my dad is the network admin, he has 2 computers to himself, my mom has 2 computers to herself, my younger brothers share a computer, and I have my own. We also have 2 X-Box 360's, and I have a PSP. A lot I know, and that is why an idling connection to the Internet is bad, VERY bad.
I don't remember where I heard this, I believe it was a friend of mine on X-Box Live whose tag is HAMMERNUTS92, but stand-bying can cause victims' networks to idle. The network idle can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 4-5 months. Well we got the lower end of the deal, the idle has lasted for a good month now, so I am reduced to "Dial-up" speed Internet, and a hell of alot of lag while playing H3. The lag is bad enough to get me killed, in game, with out even seeing my killer or anything that could have caused me to die.
I decided to shut my X-Box off in frustration, cursing and finishing my getting-ready-for-school-time. When I re-entered my home after getting out of school, I decided to vent my stressed day by "pwning newbs" on Halo 3. Only causing more stress when I find out that the morning's Standby incident had only caused eXtreme lag when attempting to play online in either Matchmaking, Custom Games, or Online Campaign.
But why is it Bungie's fault? Well, Bungie, making $900,000,000,000+ (nine-hundred-billion plus dollars) on Halo 3, and having entire buildings for server space, cannot even use some of the server room, or build new servers to use as dedicated ones. This would end Standby as we know it in Halo 3, because the game would be running using a Bungie Server instead of an In-Game Host. This would also make it more difficult to Mod during Matchmaking (although I haven't experienced any modders in MM yet) unless someone were to hack into the Bungie server while playing.
This idling has caused my family to spend a great deal of money:
1. To have a Tech guy to come and look, just to tell us that we need to buy a new router.
2. Buying a new router, with better send/receive speeds.
3. Getting a new ISP because our old one was bad anyway.
So, why can't Bungie or Microsoft buy more servers or use some unused servers for dedicated X-Box Live servers? I don't have a hell of a clue.
Edit: I have just recently found out that, electrical surges will also cause fluctuations in latency.
Bungie's Lack of Anti-Cheating!
BullWinkle xTCx
1:13:00 AM
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